Monday, April 5, 2010

Apple Ipad sells more than 300 000 ipads!!

On Monday, Apple has said that it has sold more than 300 000 iPads on the first day it was released. Many analysts' expectations have been met by this number. Apple has also said that iPad users have downloaded over a million applications and 250 000 ebooks from the iTunes store.

It is not surprising that the vast majority of first iPad owners are Mac users. CNN's Fortune Brainstorm Tech blog also came up with other statistics from a survey of a sample size of 448 iPad owners.


* 74% were Mac users (26% owned another kind of PC). 96% planned to continue using their computers.

* 66% owned iPhones. Only four or five respondents (1%) thought they could replace their iPhone with an iPad.

* 13% owned Amazon (AMZN) Kindles and 58% of those planned to replace it with the iPad.

* The $499 16GB iPad was the most popular (39%) followed by the 32 GB (32%) and 64GB (28%). When the iPhone first launched, only 5% bought the low-end 4GB model.

* 74% planned to use their iPads to surf the Web; 38% to read books; 32% to e-mail; 26% to watch video; 18% to play games and other apps; 8% to listen to music.

* 78% said they didn't consider any other gadget before buying an iPad. 10% were thinking about buying a Kindle, 6% a netbook, 4% a laptop, 1% an iPhone, 1% an iPod touch.

The Associated Press claims that the company faces challenges encouraging more consumers to buy the product.

Associated Press
: Once the early excitement settles, Apple needs to convince a broader swath of people to buy if it wants the iPad to follow the iPhone's successful trajectory.

Many companies have tried to sell tablet computers before, but none has caught on with mainstream consumers. Apple's iPad comes at a time when people have even more Internet-connected gadgets — smart phones, laptops, e-book readers, set-top boxes and home broadband connections — and it may need to work harder to persuade people to buy yet another device that serves many of the same purposes.

Nevertheless, I wish I was Steve Jobs.

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